Why Deploy Contact Centers For Light Industrial Staffing Branches?
August 27, 2019

The profitability of any light industrial staffing firm depends on two key factors: a high placement rate and low cost per hire. Given the chance to concentrate on high conversion activities, you know your best recruiters can drive the ROI through both metrics. Yet recruiters at your branches often spend too much time answering calls and questions from candidates and current contingent workers.

Resourceful staffing agencies have increasingly turned to a proven yet often neglected solution to boost their revenue and brand reputation, leveraging a contact center solution to managing inbound and outbound calls at their branches. Are you overlooking the potential of an outsourced contact center? We explore the benefits and look at how one staffing firm used this solution to increase their revenue.

Benefits of a Centralized Contact Center

It's not such a stretch of the imagination to incorporate a contact center approach into your recruiting workflow. When candidates and contingent workers call your branch offices, they're no different than consumers reaching out to a call center for answers to customer service questions.

Did you receive my application? When is my interview? Have I received a job offer? When do I start? When will I receive my first paycheck? These and similar questions are often better suited for someone with a customer service or BPO background rather than a seasoned professional with traditional recruiting experience. In fact, assigning recruiters to field these questions distracts them from focusing on valuable face-to-face interactions with candidates at their branch.

On the other hand, a dedicated contact center is perfectly suited for these types of tasks. Sending the incoming calls for all branches to a single team creates predictability and brand cohesion that is absent when your recruiters act as ad hoc phone operators. And, if your centralized team is trained in the right procedures and data management best practices, your recruiters can rely on more scheduled branch interviews and up-to-date, accurate briefings on candidate interactions in your ATS. Recruiters at the branch then have more time to develop relationships with their clients and their candidates.

One Staffing Firm's Contact Center Outsourcing ROI

What do outsourced contact center services look like in this scenario? In February 2017, one of the top 15 national light industrial staffing firms set out to find an answer to that very question. They approached PSG Global Solutions to undertake their incoming recruitment lifecycle calls. We proposed an engagement model that would lower their cost per call across branches, increase their applicant-to-start ratios, and improve their overall profitability. When the project began, we launched with five dedicated agents to shoulder the majority of the call volume reaching their staffing offices.

From the beginning of the partnership, we outlined processes to decrease average handle times and increase calls handled per day across over 30 branch locations. Month over month, we made steady progress and refined our approach through the month of August, when call volume reached an all-time high.

During the peak of the hiring season, over 21,000 calls were routed to the client's switch, which was a 22% increase over the prior month's call volumes. During this month, our team adjusted schedules, further reduced our call handle time, and tuned the processes for each call type to ensure we were still able to meet the client's service level goals.

At least 42% of all incoming calls corresponded with hard benefit activities such as interview requests, inquiries about website applications, pre-employment availability checks, scheduling of branch interviews, and directions to the branch location. As the PSG Global Solutions team decreased average handle time, we were able to dedicate more time to activities that retained or expanded our client's revenue.

Top Call Dispositions

These results are not unique to one client. If your business is working with the right outsourced recruiting partner, you can make a reliable reduction in your cost per call while enabling your recruiters to concentrate on increasing applicant starts and boosting your profitability.

Learn how light industrial contact center services can lower your costs and increase your profitability. Schedule an appointment to calculate the potential ROI for your business!

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