The Power of Positive Candidate Experience in High-Volume Recruiting
May 24, 2023

Unleash the potential of cutting-edge technology and automation to create efficient yet human-centered recruitment processes with PSG Global Solutions.

A positive candidate experience can make all the difference in high-volume recruiting, not just in terms of filing open positions quickly but also in terms of employee retention, productivity, and long-term succession planning. In fact, 49 percent of job seekers had declined a job offer due to poor experience.

Although many companies may view high-volume recruiting as a race to the finish line, it's important to remember that it's also a relay race, where each step of the process can impact the success of the next.


One of the most important ways to improve the candidate experience is to avoid over-automation. Although automation can certainly speed up the recruiting process and reduce the burden on recruiters, it can also make candidates feel like they're just a number in a system, rather than an individual with singular skills and talents. By balancing automation with human touchpoints, such as personalized outreach and communication, companies can show candidates that they value them as individuals and are invested in finding the right fit for both parties.


Another key aspect of a positive candidate experience is transparency. Candidates want to know where they stand in the process and what to expect next. By providing regular updates and clear communication about the hiring timeline and process, companies can build trust with candidates and help them feel more comfortable throughout the recruiting journey. Doing so can help mitigate frustration and uncertainty, which can lead to candidate drop-off and negative feedback.

Seamless application process

It's important for companies to provide a seamless and user-friendly application process. By ensuring that job postings are easy to find and understand, the application process is straightforward and accessible, and candidates receive timely feedback and support when needed. Prioritizing the candidate experience at every step of the process, companies can reduce candidate drop-off rates and boost overall application volume.


In high-volume recruiting, it can be easy to view candidates as just numbers. The truth is that investing in a positive candidate experience can actually lead to better employee retention and productivity in the long run. Seventy-two percent of candidates have shared their experience on online employer review sites such as By treating candidates with respect and demonstrating that the company values their contributions, candidates are more likely to feel committed after they are hired. This can lead to increased employee engagement and job satisfaction, which in turn can reduce turnover rates and boost productivity.

A positive candidate experience can help with long-term succession planning. By building relationships with candidates who may not be the right fit for the current role, but who have strong potential for future positions, companies can create a talent pipeline for future hiring needs. A positive candidate can help reduce recruiting costs by up to 60 percent and streamline the hiring process, while also ensuring that the company has a pool of qualified candidates to draw from in the future.

High-volume recruiting success depends on a positive candidate experience. By balancing automation with human touchpoints, providing transparency and clear communication, and creating a seamless and user-friendly application process, companies can improve the funnel and ultimately improve employee retention, productivity, and long-term succession planning.

Although it may be tempting to view high-volume recruiting as a race to the finish line, it's important to remember that it is also a relay race where each step of the process can impact the success of the next.